We are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Igor Pilshchikov as Professor of Russian in our Department. One of our profession’s foremost specialists on the Russian “Golden Age,” with classic studies on Pushkin, Batiushkov and the Pushkin pléiade, he is also a leading figure in the world of digital humanities, a co-founder and chief editor of the two most important electronic corpora of literary texts and criticism in Russian: the Russian Virtual Library (www.rvb.ru) and the Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore (www.FEB-web.ru).
Prof. Pilshchikov’s appointment coincides with the inauguration of a Humanities Technology Center and Digital Research Consortium in UCLA’s Humanities Division, both designed to enhance research and new applications in this increasingly important area of literary and cultural studies. A recently established Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities (https://dh.ucla.edu/graduate/) will permit students to integrate work in this area with fundamental studies in Russian and East European literatures and cultures. We welcome new graduate school applicants with generous five-year support packages and an array of intellectual and cultural resources that recently earned UCLA the U.S. News and World Report’s #1 ranking among public universities in the United States (http://www.ucla.edu/about/rankings). Interested students can begin the application process at https://slavic.ucla.edu/graduate/admissions/.