Placement Exams

The Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages & Cultures Department offers placement exams in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, and Ukrainian. The Russian exam is an online exam, and all other exams are in paper-and-pencil format.

There is a $50 fee for non-UCLA students. Payments must be made prior to taking the exam and delivered to SEEELC’s Student Services Advisor, Brianna Boling, in 350B Kaplan Hall. Please make payments out to “UC Regents.” CHECKS ONLY. Cash or card will not be accepted.


This exam is for UCLA students only.

The Russian Placement Exam is only given once a year. The 2024 Online Russian placement exam will be given on September 23 from 10 am to 2 pm. If you have a problem taking the exam on this day, please contact Dr. Anna Kudyma at

The Russian test can be taken to satisfy the language requirement for various majors (levels 3-6) or to place into a class if you took Russian before coming to UCLA or speak Russian at home. To satisfy the language requirement (level 3) you need to score 78% on the exam. If you have no prior knowledge of Russian, enroll in Russian 1 in the Fall. Keep in mind that Russian 1 is offered in the Fall only. If you speak Russian at home but cannot read and write, enroll in Russian 100A. If you are not sure what class is best for you, please take the placement exam or contact Dr. Anna Kudyma at

The Russian Placement Exam exam takes about 100 minutes to complete and consists of the following sections: grammar, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking (you record yourself following prompts), and writing (a short essay).

Flyers will be posted in the Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures (322 Kaplan Hall). Please contact department Student Affairs Officer with any questions



Please contact Dr. Viktorija Lejko-Lacan ( to schedule an exam.


Please contact Dr. Susan Kresin ( to schedule an exam.


Please contact Melinda Borbely ( to schedule an exam.


Please contact Dr. Roman Koropeckyj ( to schedule an exam.


Please contact Anca Cuptor  to schedule an exam.


Please contact Dr. Anna Kudyma ( to schedule an exam.