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Nineteenth Winter Workshop in Medieval & Early Modern Slavic Studies
Session 1: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
DAVID MILLER, Roosevelt University
“Law and Grace: The Seamless Faith of Ethiopian Christianity”
DAVID PRESTEL, Michigan State University
“The Last of the Avars: Where Did They Go and Why is it Important?”
Session 2: 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
VITALIY YEFIMENKOV, University of California Los Angeles
“Researching Liturgical Texts: Sources, Questions, Methods”
DAVID GOLDFRANK, Georgetown University
“Expanding Andrei Pluguzov’s ‘Russkii feodal’nyi arkhiv’”
ROBERT ROMANCHUK, Florida State University
“How (and where) the Slavic Digenis Akritis was Made: The Oral-Formulaic Evidence”
Lunch Break
Session 3: 1:30 – 2:30 p.m.
JANET MARTIN, University of Miami
“Women and the Pomest’e System: Some Conclusions”
ANN KLEIMOLA, University of Nebraska
“The Lure of Devices: The Muscovite Elite and Products of the Scientific Revolution”
Session 4: 2:45 – 4:15 p.m.
GEORG MICHELS, University of California Riverside
“Patriarch Filaret Romanov (1619-1633): Some Thoughts on the Current State of Research”
MARIA IVANOVA, University of Virginia
“Simulation and Dissimulation in Early Modern Poland-Lithuania”
ELISE WIRTSCHAFTER, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
“Russian Politics and the Petrine Divide”
Advance registration not required. Please sign the attendance sheet at the door. No fee. Limited seating.
For information, email cmrs@humnet.ucla.edu or call 310.825.1880.
Sponsored by UCLA Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies & the UCLA Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures