- 1971 B. A. Comparative Literature (Russian, French, German modernism), University of Michigan
- 1974 M. A. Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan
- 1978 Ph. D. Slavic Languages and Literatures (Medieval Russian), University of Michigan
Medieval Russian Literature (988-1700)
- Byzantine, Kievan, and Muscovite Political and Economic History
- Orthodox Liturgy and Theology
- Iconography
- Textual Criticism
- Form Criticism
- Kniaz’ Feodor Chernyi v russkoi istorii i kul’ture: Issledovanie i teksty. Prince Feodor the Black in Russian History and Culture with academic editions of 9 cult texts (a sequel to my study of Early Russian Hagiography) . Al’ians-Arkheo Publishers, Moscow, 2019 (352 pages)
- Stepennaia kniga tsarskogo rodosloviia po drevneishim spiskam. Teksty i kommentarii v trekh tomakh(The Book of Degrees of the Royal Genealogy: A Critical Edition Based on the Oldest Known Manuscripts. Texts and Commentary in Three Volumes). Iazyki slavianskikh kul’tur, Moscow, 2007–2012 (597 + 559 + 350 pages)
- Early Russian Hagiography: The Lives of Prince Fedor the Black. Slavistische Veröffentlichungen Fachbereich Neuere Fremdsprachliche Philologien der Freien Universität Berlin, Band 82. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1997. (496 pages)
- The Martyred Princes Boris and Gleb: A Socio-Cultural Study of the Cult and the Texts. Slavica Publishers, 1989. (168 pages)
- The Making of the Medieval Russian Journey. University of Michigan, 1978. (266 pages)
Edited Books
- Festschrift for Janet Martin. (edited with A. M. Kleimola). Russian History. 42/1. 2015 (148 pp.) .
- The Book of Royal Degrees and the Genesis of Russian Historical Consciousness (with A. M. Kleimola). UCLA Slavic Studies, n. s., vol. VII. Slavica: Bloomington, Indiana, 2012 (348 pp.)
- Culture and Identity in Muscovy: 1359-1584 (with. A. M. Kleimola). UCLA Slavic Studies, n.s., vol. III. Itz-Garant Publishers: Moscow, 1997. (606 pages)
- “Termin ‘godov’nie obroky’ v ‘Povesti o Petre, tsareviche Ordynskom’.” Drevniaia Rus’. Voprosy medievistiki 1 (75) (March, 20-19): 57-61.
- “Adjudicating Disputes over Property, Privileges and Immunities After the Troubles: Tsar Mikhail Romanov’s Ruling on the Rostov Petrovskii Monastery’s Claim to Fishing Rights on Lake Nero (1645).” In: Tri daty tragicheskogo piatidesiatiletiia Evropy (1598-1618-1648): Rossiia v gody Smuty. Academy Institute of History, Moscow, 2018: 183-195.
- “The Book of Degrees and the Illuminated Chronicle: A Comparative Analysis.” Revue des études slaves 87/3-4 (2016: 157-169).
- “The Byzantine Logos for the Fifth Saturday of Lent, Dedicated to the Akathistos, and the Russian Logos for the Presentation of the Theotokos.” Proceedings of the 2013 conference on “Cyril and Methodius: Byzantium and the World of the Slavs”. Thessaloniki, 2015 (in press).
- “Rus’-Tatar Princely Marriages in the Horde: The Literary Sources.” Russian History 42, 1 (2015): 16-31.
- “Smolensk After the Mongol Invasions: A Reconstruction.” (With Janet Martin) Die Welt der Slaven LIX (2014): 111-136.
- “Le Livre des degrés ou l’ècriture hagiographique de l’histoire (1555-1563).” Écrire et réécrire l’histoire russe d’Ivan le Terrible à Vasilij Kljucevskij, 1547-1917). Pierre Gonneau et Ecatherina Raj. Institut d’études slaves: Paris, 2013, 21-31.
- “Uchrezhdenie Kazanskoi eparkhii i proekt sozdaniia Stepennoi knigi.” Drevniaia Rus’. Voprosy Medievistiki 4 (50) (Dekabr, 2012): 95-107.
- “Politics and Form in the Stepennaia kniga.” The Book of Royal Degrees and the Genesis of Russian Historical Consciousness. Ed. G. Lenhoff and A.Kleimola. UCLA SLavic Studies, n.s. vol. 7. Slavica Publishers, Bloomington, Ind. 2011: 157-174.
- “Evangelie ot Ivana Groznogo.” Mesto Rossii v Evrope i Azii. Ed. G. Szak. Tsentr rusistiki: Budapest, 2010: 122-135.
- “The Chudov Monastery and the Stepennaia kniga.” Religion und Integration im Moskauer Russland. Konzepte und Praktiken und Grenzen 14.-17.Jahrhundert. Ed. L. Steindorff. Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden, 2010: 97-116.
- “Stepennaia kniga: zamysel, ideologiia, adresatsiia.” Stepennaia kniga po drevneishim spiskam. Iazyki slavianskikh kul’tur: Moscow, 2007: 120-144.
- “The Economics of a Medieval Literary Project: Direct and Indirect Costs of Producing the Stepennaia kniga.” Festschrift for Richard Hellie. Part I. Eds. Lawrence Langer and Peter Brown. In: Russian History 34, nos. 1-4 (2007): 219-238.
- “Iz istorii pochitaniia velikoi kniagini moskovskoi Evdokii.” Dukovnyi put’ Moskovskoi Rusi. Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii, posviashchennoi 600-letiiu so dnia blazhennoi konchiny prepodobnoi Evdokii-Evfrosinii velikoi kniaginoi Moskovskoi. Fond Evdokii Moskovskoi: Moscow, 2007: 79-87.
- “The Cult of Metropolitan Iona and the Conceptualization of Ecclesiastical Authority in Muscovy.” Speculum Slaviae Orientalis: Muscovy, Ruthenia and Lithuania in the Later Middle Ages. Ed. V. V. Ivanov and J. Verkholantsev. UCLA Slavic Studies, n. s. Vol. 4. Novoe izdatel’stvo: Moscow, 2005: 122-143.
- “Divine Patronage and Dynasty: Notes on a 1568 Gospel.” Novye napravleniia i rezul’taty v mezhdunarodnykh issledovaniiakh rusistiki. Lorand Eotvos University Press, Budapest, 2005: 52-60.
- “The Construction of Russian History in Stepennaja kniga.” Revue des etudes slaves 76/1 (2005): 31-50.
- “O bibleiskikh i sviatootecheskikh podtekstakh predisloviia k Stepennoi knige.” Obshchestvennaia mysl’ i traditsii russkoi dukhovnoi kul’tury…XVI-XX vv. SO RAN: Novosibirsk, 2005: 181-189.
- “Temir Aksak’s Dream of the Virgin as Protectress of Muscovy.” Die Welt der Slaven XL (2004): 39-64.
- “The ‘Stepennaja kniga’ and the Idea of the Book in Medieval Russia.” Germano-Slavistische Beitraege. Festschrift fuer Peter Rehder zum 65.Geburtstag. Ed. M. Okuka and U. Schweier. Die Welt der Slaven. Saemmelbaende. Band 21. Otto Sagner: Munich, 2004: 449-458.
- “Novgorod’s Znamenie Legend in Moscow’s Stepennaia kniga.” Muscovite Russia… Lorand Eotvos University Press, Budapest, 2004: 178-186.
- “How the Bones of Plato and Two Kievan Princes Were Baptized: Notes on the Political Theology of the Stepennaja kniga.” Die Welt der Slaven 46, 2 (2001): 313-330.
- “Marfa Boretskaia, Posadnitsa of Novgorod: A Reconsideration of her Legend and her Life.” (With Janet Martin). Slavic Review 59, 2 (2000): 343-368.
- “The Cult of Saint Nikita the Stylite in Pereslavl’ and Among the Muscovite Elite.” Fonctions sociales et politiques du culte des saints dans les societes de rite grec et latin au Moyen Age et a l’epoque moderne. Approche comparative. LARHCOR, Warsaw, 1999: 331-346.
- “Istochnik rasskaza ob otkrytii moshchej jaroslavskix knjazej v L’vovskoj i Sofijskoj II letopis’jax.” Russian History 25, 1-2: 79-88 (1998).
- “Unofficial Veneration of the Daniilovichi in Muscovite Rus’. “Culture and Identity in Muscovy: 1359-1584. UCLA Slavic Studies, n.s., vol. III. Itz-Garant Publishers, Moscow, 1997: 391-416.
- “Vsja svjatyja pomjanuvshe…”: Strategies of Biographical Reconstruction in Muscovite Saints’ Lives.” Sprache–Text–Geschichte. Festschrift für Klaus-Dieter Seemann. Eds. A. Guski and W. Kosny. Specimina Philologiae Slavicae, Supplementband 56. Otto Sagner, Munich, 1997: 161-173.
- “Medieval Russian Saints’ Lives in Socio-Cultural Perspective.” Russian Literature 39. Special Issue “Old Russian Literature.” Ed. W.-H. Schmidt: 205-222 (1996).
- “Kanonizacija i knjazheskaja vlast’ v Severo-Vostochnoj Rusi: kul’t Leontija Rostovskogo.” Jaroslavskaja starina, vyp. 3: 13-22 (1996).
- “Torgovo-xozjajstvennyj i kul’turnyj kontekst Xozhenija za tri morja Afanasija Nikitina.” Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoj literatury 47: 95-120 (1993).
- “The Notion of Uncorrupted Relics in Early Russian Culture.” Christianity and the Eastern Slavs. Volume 1: Slavic Cultures in the Middle Ages. (B. Gasparov, O. R. Hughes, eds.). The University of California Press, 1993: 252-275.
- “The Ermolin Chronicle Account of Prince Fedor the Black’s Relics and the Annexation of Iaroslavl’ in 1463.” The Frontier in Russian History (Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Chicago, May 29-31, 1992). In: Russian History 19, nos. 1-4 (1992). Ed. Richard Hellie: 155-168.
- “Die nordostrussische Hagiographie im literarischen Prozess: die Vita des Fürsten Fedor Chernyj.” Gattung und Genologie der Slavisch-orthodoxen Literaturen des Mittelalters (Dritte BerlinerFachtagung, 1988). (K.-D. Seemann, ed.). Otto Harrassowitz, 1992: 63-104.
- “Canonization and Princely Power in Northeast Rus’: The Cult of Leontij Rostovskij.” Welt der Slaven 37, 2: 359-380 (1992).
- “La litterature de la Russie kievienne.” Histoire de la litterature russe (E. Etkind, G. Nivat, I. Serman, V. Strada, eds.). Fayard, 1992: 29-58, 742-748, 815-817.
- “La litterature de la Russie du nord-est.” Histoire de la litterature russe (E. Etkind, G. Nivat, I. Serman, V. Strada, eds.). Fayard, 1992: 125-148, 752-758, 818-820.
- “East Slavic Hagiographical Paradigms and Transformations.” Semiotica 75, 3-4: 355-358 (1989).
- “Problems of Medieval Narrative Typology: The Exemplum.” Gattung und Narration in den aelteren slavischen Literaturen. Ed. K.-D. Seemann. Harrassowitz: Berlin, 1987: 109-118.
- “Categories of Early Russian Writing.” Slavic and East European Review 31/2 (1987): 259-271.
- “The Commercial and Cultural Context of Afanasij Nikitin’s Journey Beyond Three Seas.” (With Janet Martin). Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 37, 3: 321-344 (1989).
- “The Ordering of Old Russian Narrative: Po rjadu versus Nekako i Smutno.” Studia Slavica Mediaevalia et Humanistica Riccardo Picchio Dicata (M. Colucci, G. Dell’Agata, H. Goldblatt, eds.). Edizione Dell-Ateneo, 1986): 413-423.
- Wolf-Heinrich Schmidt, ed. Gattungsprobleme der älteren slavischen Literaturen (1984). Reviewed in Slavic Review 44, 1: 575-576 (1985).
- “The Liturgical Poetry of Medieval Rus’.” Scando-Slavica 29: 21-43 (1984).
- “Christian and Pagan Strata in the East Slavic Cult of St. Nicholas.” Slavic and East European Journal 28, 2: 147-163 (1984).
- “Toward a Theory of Protogenres in Medieval Russian Letters.” The Russian Review 43, 1: 31-54 (1984).
- “Chronological Error and Irony in Mikhail Bulgakov’s Days of the Turbins.” Russian Literature and American Critics (K. Brostrom, ed.). Michigan Slavic Publications, 1984: 149-160.
- “Trubetzkoy’s ‘Afanasii Nikitin’ Reconsidered.” Canadian-American Slavic Studies 18, 3: 377-392 (1984).
- “Hellenistic Erotica and the Kiev Cave Patericon ‘Tale of Moses the Hungarian’.” Russian History 10, 2: 141-153 (1983).
- “The Aesthetic Function and Medieval Russian Culture.” The Structure of the Literary Process: Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Felix Vodicka (M. Cervenka, P. Steiner, R. Vroon, eds.), John Benjamins Publishing Co., 1982: 321-340.
- “Three Protoexempla and Their Place in a Thirteenth-Century Pilgrim Book.” Slavic Review 4, 4: 603-613 (1981).
- “Ignatii Smol’nianin in Constantinople: A Lesson in Muscovite Literary Etiquette.” Russian History VII, 2: 29-46 (1980).
- “Beyond Three Seas: Afanasij Nikitin’s Journey from Orthodoxy to Apostasy.” East European Quarterly XIII, 4: 431-447 (1979).
- “Kniga Palomnik: A Study in Old Russian Rhetoric.” Scando-Slavica 23: 39-61 (1977).
- Spectator and Spectacle: The Theater of Okhlopkov.” The Drama Review (March): 9-15 (1973).
- Russian Civilization
- Medieval Russian History (cross-listed with History Dept.)
- Russian Drama
- Dostoevsky
- Tolstoy
- Nabokov
- Medieval Russian Literature (survey)
- Seventeenth-Century Russian Literature (survey)
- Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature (survey)
- Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature (the Golden Age)
- Introduction to the Analysis of Literary Texts (in Russian)
- Proseminar
- Greek Foundations of Russian Culture
- History and Narrative
- The Saints of Kiev and Northeast Rus’
- Topics in Muscovite Culture
- Topics in Seventeenth-Century Literature