2017. To appear: Definiteness in Slavic, Baltic, and Germanic. Slavic in the Language Map of Europe, ed. by Motoki Nomachi and Andriy Danylenko. (Trends in Linguistics.Studies and Monographs.) Berlin–New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
2017. On slověne and the history of Slavic patrials. Scando-Slavica 63, 3–42.
2016. Abduction. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax, ed. by Ian Roberts and Adam Ledgeway, 301–321. Cambridge UP.
2014. Early Vowel contraction in Slavic. 1. i-Verbs. 2. The Imperfect. 3. The volja/suša nouns. Scando-Slavica 60.54–107.
2013. On the origin of the Slavic aspects: Imperfect and aorist. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 21.17–44. Special issue on Aspect in Slavic. Creating Time, Creating Grammar, ed. by Laura A. Janda and Tore Nesset.
2012. The new Russian vocative. Synchrony, diachrony, typology. Scando-Slavica 58.1–46.
2012. When is a case not a case? Grammaticalization and the vocative. In: Studien zur Sprache, Literatur und Kultur bei den Slaven. Gedenkschrift für George Y. Shevelov aus Anlaß seines 100. Geburtstages und 10. Todestages, ed. by Andrii Danylenko and Serhii Vakulenko, 181–188. (Welt der Slaven. Sammelbände, 42.) Munich–Berlin: Otto Sagner.
2010. From morphologization to demorphologization. In: Companion to Historical Linguistics, ed. by Vit Bubenik and Silvia Luraghi, 117–146. (Continuum Companions in Linguistics.). London: Continuum Companions in Linguistics.
2009. Reduplication in Slavic and Baltic. Loss and Renewal. Morphology 19;2.113–134 (Special Issue on The Diachrony of Reduplication, ed. by Bernhard Hurch and Veronika Mattes).
2009. Some thoughts on the history of Russian numeral syntax. In: Festschrift for Michael S. Flier. Harvard Ukrainian Studies 28.57–67, 2006.
2009. Living norms. In: From Poets to Padonki. Linguistic Authority and Norm Negotiation in Modern Russian Culture, ed. by Ingunn Lunde and Martin Paulsen, 1–16. (Bergen Series in Linguistics, 9.) Bergen: Universitetet.
2009. On the origin of the Slavic aspects: Questions of chronology. In: Grammatical change in Indo-European languages. Papers presented at the Workshop on Indo-European linguistics at the 18th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Montreal, 2007, ed. by Vit Bubenik, John Hewson and Sarah Rose, 123–140. (Current Issues in Theoretical Linguistics, 305.) Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2009. Partial Accent loss in Slavic and Baltic. Indo-European Studies Bulletin, 13;2.1–10. Los Angeles: University of California.
2009. The satem languages of the Indo-European Northwest. First contacts? In: The Indo-European Language Family. Questions about its Status, ed. by Angela Marcantonio, 1–31. (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series, 55.) Washington D.C.: Institute for the Study of Man.
2009. Noget om analogi. In: Dramatikken i Grammatikken, ed. by Rita Therkelsen and Eva Skafte Jensen, 15–25. Roskilde: Institut for Kultur og Identitet, Roskilde Universitet.
2008. Naturalness and Markedness. In: Naturalness and Iconicity in Language ed. by Klaas Willems and de Cuypere, 101–119. (Iconicity in Language and Literature, 7.) Amsterdam–Philadelphia: Benjamins.
2008. Grammaticalization in a speaker-oriented theory of change. In: Grammatical Change and Linguistic Theory. The Rosendal Papers, ed. by Thorhallur Eythorsson, 11–44. (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 113.) Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2006. The last days of the Russian Future Perfect. In: La linguistique au coeur. Valence verbale, grammaticalisation et corpus. Mélanges offerts à Lene Schøsler à l’occasion de son 60e anniversaire, ed. by Hanne Leth Andersen, Merete Birkelund, and Mai-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, 149–160. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark.
2006. Synchrony, diachrony, and evolution. In: Competing models of Linguistic Change. Evolution and Beyond, ed. by Ole Nedergaard Thomsen, 59–90. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 279.) Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2006. Periphrastic futures in Slavic. Divergence and convergence. In: Change in verbal systems. Issues in explanation, ed. by Kerstin Eksell and Thora Vinther, 9–45. Bern: Peter Lang.
2006. On the Late Common Slavic dialect correspondences Kl—Tl—l. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, 44/45.37–48, 2002–03.
2006. Grammation, regrammation, and degrammation. Tense loss in Russian. Diachronica 23.231–258.
2006. Future and Future Perfect in the Old Novgorod Dialect. Russian Linguistics 30.1–18.
2006. “On Juliette Blevins’s, ‘A theoretical synopsis of evolutionary phonology’”, Theoretical Linguistics 32.167–174.
2005. The plasticity of universal grammar. In: Convergence. Interdisciplinary Communications 2004/2005, ed. by Willy Østreng, 21–26. Oslo: Centre for Advanced Studies at the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters.
2005. On turbulence and historical linguistics. In: Convergence. Interdisciplinary Communications 2004/2005, ed. by Willy Østreng, 172–178. Oslo: Centre for Advanced Studies at the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters.
2004. F. J. Whitfield: Old Church Slavonic Reader, ed. by Henning Andersen and Michael S. Flier. Berkeley: Berkeley Slavic Specialties.
2004. Morphological change: towards a typology. Reprinting of 1980 article. In: Morphology. Critical Concepts in Linguistics, 1–6 ed. by Francis Katamba. Volume 6: Morphology: Its place in the wider context, 397–443
2003. Language Contacts in Prehistory. Studies in Stratigraphy (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 239) ed. by Henning Andersen. Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2003. Slavic and the Indo-European migrations. In: Language Contacts in Prehistory. Studies in Stratigraphy, ed. by Henning Andersen, 45–76. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 239.) Amsterdam–Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2003. On bifurcations and the Germanic consonant shifts. In: Language in Time and Space. A Festschrift for Werner Winter on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday, ed. by Brigitte L. M. Bauer and Georges-Jean Pinault. (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 144.) Berlin–New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
2003. Introduction. In: Language Contacts in Prehistory. Studies in Stratigraphy, ed. by Henning Andersen, 1–10. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 239.) Amsterdam– Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2002. Preglottalization in English and a North Germanic bifurcation. In: Sounds and Systems. Studies in Structure and Change. A Festschrift for Theo Vennemann, ed. by David Restle and Dietmar Zaefferer, 15–34. Berlin–New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
2001. Actualization, ed. by Henning Andersen. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 219.) Amsterdam–Philadelphia: Benjamins. vi + 250 pp.,
2001. Markedness and the theory of linguistic change. In: Actualization, ed. by Henning Andersen, 19–57. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 219.) Amsterdam–Philadelphia: Benjamins.
2001. Introduction. In: Actualization, ed. by Henning Andersen, 1–18. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 219.) Amsterdam: Benjamins.
2001. Actualization and the (uni)directionality of change. In: Actualization, ed. by Henning Andersen, 225–248. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 219.) Amsterdam–Philadelphia: Benjamins.
2000. Nedertysk og slavisk. Fra sprogberigelse til sprogdød. In: Språkkontakt. Innverknaden frå nedertysk på andre nordeuropeiske språk, ed. by Ernst Haakon Jahr, 111–130. (Språkhistoriske prinsipp for lånord i nordiske språk, 2.) Copenhagen: Nordisk Raad.
1999. The Western South Slavic contrast Sn. sah-ni-ti // SC sah-nu-ti, Slovenski jezik. Slovene Linguistic Studies 2.47–62.
1998. The Common Slavic vowel shifts. In: American Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists, Cracow, Aug.– Sept. 1998. Literature. Linguistics. Poetics, ed. by Robert A. Maguire and Alan H. Timberlake, 239–249. Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers.
1998. Does the past have a future. Reflections on the Jakobson Heritage. In: The Roman Jakobson Centenary Symposium, Copenhagen 10–12 October 1996, ed. by Per Aage Brandt et al., Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 29.149–177.
1998. Dialektnaja differenciacija obščeslavjanskogo jazyka. Paradoks obščix tendencij razvitija s različnymi lokal’nymi rezul’tatami. In: American Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists, Cracow, Aug.– Sept. 1998. Literature. Linguistics. Poetics, ed. by Robert A. Maguire and Alan H. Timberlake, 565–600. Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers.
1998. Chapter 14. Slavic. In: The Indo-European Languages, ed. by Anna Giacalone Ramat and Paolo Ramat, 415–453. London–New York: Routledge. [English version of 1993.]
1998. A glimpse of the homeland of the Slavs: ecological and cultural change in prehistory. In: Proceedings of the Seventh UCLA Indo-European Conference, Los Angeles, 1995, ed. by Angela della Volpe, 1–67. (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph Series, 27.) Washington D.C.: Institute for the Study of Man. [English version of following item.]
1996. Vzgljad na slavjanskuju prarodinu: doistoričeskie izmenenija v èkologii i kul’ture, Voprosy jazykoznanija 1996;5.65–106, 1996;6.31–40.
1996. Reconstructing prehistorical dialects: Initial vowels in Slavic and Baltic (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs, 91.) Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. xviii + 238 pp.
1996. The Ukrainian fourth declension. Harvard Ukrainian Studies. 18.154–166. (Special Issue: Ukrainian Philology and Linguistics ed. by Michael S. Flier.)
1995. Consonant reduction in Russian. In: The Language and Verse of Russia. In Honor of Dean S. Worth on his Sixty-fifth Birthfday, ed. by Henrik Birnbaum and Michael S. Flier, 19–30. (UCLA Slavic Studies. New Series, vol. 2.) Moscow: Vostočnaja literatura RAN
1995. Historical Linguistics 1993. Papers from the 11th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, ed. by Henning Andersen. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ix + 460 pp.
1994. Vilhelm Thomsen. In: The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, ed. by R. E. Asher and J. M. Y. Simpson, 9.4608–4609. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
1994. Karl Verner In: The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, ed. by R. E. Asher and J. M. Y. Simpson, 9.4929–4930. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
1994. Jakob Hornemann Bredsdorff. In: The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, ed. by R. E. Asher and J. M. Y. Simpson, 1.401–402. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
1994. Holger Pedersen In: The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, ed. by R. E. Asher and J. M. Y. Simpson, 6.2997–2998. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
1994. Herman Møller. In: The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, ed. by R. E. Asher and J. M. Y. Simpson, 5.2521–2522. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
1993. 14. Le lingue slave. In: Le lingue indoeuropee, ed. by Paolo Ramat and Anna Giacalone-Ramat, 441–480. Bologna: Il Mulino.
1991. On the projection of equivalence relations into syntagms. In: New Vistas in Grammar: Invariance and Variation, ed. by Stephen Rudy and Linda R. Waugh, 287–311. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
1990. Historical Linguistics 1987. Papers from the 8th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, ed. by Henning Andersen and Konrad Koerner. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. x + 577 pp.
1990. The structure of drift. In: Historical Linguistics 1987. Papers from the 8th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, ed. by Henning Andersen and Konrad Koerner, 1–20. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
1989. Understanding linguistic innovations. In: Language Change: Contributions to the Study of its Causes, ed. by Leiv Egil Breivik and Ernst Haakon Jahr, 5–28. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
1989. Markedness theory: the first 150 years. In: Markedness in synchrony and diachrony, ed. by Olga Mišeska Tomić, 11–46. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
1988. Center and periphery: adoption, diffusion, and spread. In: Historical Dialectology, Regional and Social, ed. by Jacek Fisiak, 39–83. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
1987. Roman Jakobson and the semiotic foundations of phonology. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1–6, ed. by U. E. Viks, 4.357–361. Tallinn: Academy of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R.
1987. From auxiliary to desinence. In: Historical Development of Auxiliaries, ed. by Martin Harris and Paolo Ramat, 21–52. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
1986. Sandhi Phenomena in the Languages of Europe, ed. by Henning Andersen. The Hague–Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. xii + 616 pp.
1986. Sandhi and prosody: reconstruction and typology. In: Sandhi Phenomena in the Languages of Europe, ed. by Henning Andersen, 231–248. The Hague–Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
1986. Protoslavic and Common Slavic: questions of periodization and terminology. In: Slavic Linguistics, Poetics, Cultural History. In Honor of Henrik Birnbaum on his Sixtieth Birthday, 13 December 1985, ed. by Michael S. Flier and Dean S. Worth, 67–82. (International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 31/32.) Columbus, Ohio: Slavica Publishers.
1986. Introduction: Sandhi. In: Sandhi Phenomena in the Languages of Europe, ed. by Henning Andersen, 1–8. The Hague–Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
1985. On projective iconicity. In: Arbejdspapirer fra Institut for Lingvistik ved Københavns Universitet 5.60–70.
1984. Language structure and semiotic processes. In: Arbejdspapirer fra Institut for Lingvistik ved Københavns Universitet 3.33–54.
1982. Jakob Hornemann Bredsdorff, ‘On the Causes of Linguistic Change’. English translation with commentary and an essay on J. H. Bredsdorff, Historiographia Linguistica 9.1–41.
1980. Summarizing discussion: Introduction. In: Typology and Genetics of Language. Proceedings of the Rask-Hjelmslev Symposium, held at the University of Copenhagen, 3–5 Sepetember 1979, ed. by Torben Thrane et al., 197–210. (= Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague, 20.) Copenhagen: Reitzel.
1980. Russian conjugation: acquisition and evolutive change. In: Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, ed. by Elizabeth C. Traugott et al., 285–301. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
1980. Morphological change: towards a typology. In: Recent Developments in Historical Morphology ed. by Jacek Fisiak, 1–50. The Hague: Mouton.
1979. Phonology as semiotic. In: A Semiotic Landscape. Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, ed. by Seymour Chatman, 377–381. The Hague: Mouton.
1978. Vocalic and consonantal languages. In: Studia Linguistica A. V. Issatschenko a Collegis et Amicis oblata, ed. by Lubomir Ðurovic et al., 1–12. Lisse: De Ridder Press.
1978. Perceptual and conceptual factors in abductive innovations. In: Recent Developments in Historical Phonology, ed. by Jacek Fisiak, 1–22. The Hague: Mouton.
1978. Abductive and deductive change. Reprinting of 1973 article. In: Readings in Historical Phonology. Chapters in the Theory of Sound Change, ed. by Philip Baldi and Ronald N. Werth, 313–347. University Park–London: Pennsylvania University Press, 1978.
1977. On some central innovations in the Common Slavic period. In: Slovansko jeziko-slovje. Nahtigalov zbornik ob stoletnici rojstva, ed. by Franc Jakupin, 1–13. Ljubljana: Univerza.
1977. Diachronic and synchronic typology. In: Studies in Linguistic Typology, ed. by Milan Romportl et al., 57–66. (= Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica, 3.) Prague: Univerzita Karlova.
1975. Variance and invariance in phonological typology. In: Phonologica 1972. Akten der 2. Internationalen Phonologie-Tagung in Wien, ed. by Wolfgang U. Dressler and František V. Mareš, 67–78. Munich: Fink.
1975. (with Victoria Koff) Razvitie navykov russkoj reči. In: Working Papers of the Russian School, Norwich University 3.1–10.
1974. Towards a typology of change: bifurcating changes and binary relations. In: Historical Linguistics. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Historical Linguistics, 1–2, ed. by John M. Anderson and Charles Jones, vol. 2, 17–60. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
1974. Markedness in vowel systems. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Linguists, ed. by Luigi Heilmann, 1136–1141. Bologna: Il Mulino.
1973. Prosodic innovations and the development of liquid diphthongs in Early Slavic. In: Siodmy Międzynarodowy Kongres Slawistów, Warszawa 21-27 VIII 1973. Streszczenia referatów i komunikatów, ed. Janusz Siatkowski et al., l0–ll. Warsaw, 1973.
1973. Abductive and deductive change. Language 49.567–595.
1972. Diphthongization. Language 48.11–50.
1970. The dative of subordination in Baltic and Slavic. In: Baltic Linguistics, ed. by Thomas F. Magner and William R. Schmalstieg, 1–9. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
1970. On some old Balto-Slavic isoglosses. In: Donum Balticum, ed. by Velta Ruķe-Draviņa, 1–7. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell.
1970. Kashubian dobëtk ‘dobytek’ and its kind. Welt der Slaven 15.61–76.
1969. The phonological status of the Russian ‘labial fricatives’. Journal of Linguistics 5.121–127.
1969. The peripheral plural desinences in East Slavic. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 12.19–32.
1969. The change of *ot to *od — a central Slavic innovation. Welt der Slaven 14.315–330.
1969. Lenition in Common Slavic. Language 45.553–574.
1969. Indo-European voicing sandhi in Ukrainian. Scando-Slavica 15.157–169.
1969. A study in diachronic morphophonemics: the Ukrainian prefixes. Language 45.807–830.
1969. The phonological status of the Russian ‘labial fricatives’, Journal of Linguistics 5.121–127.
1968. IE *s after i, u, r, k in Baltic and Slavic, Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 11.171–190.
Honors and Awards
Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, elected 1995.
University of California President’s Research Fellow 1997-1998
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow, 1997-1998