Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Olga Kagan
09:00am – 09:30am Coffee and Refreshments (Humanities 348)
09:35am – 09:40am Opening Remarks (Humanities A51)
Ronald Vroon (UCLA) Chair of the Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures
09:50am – 11:10am Panel 1A: Topics in Jewish and Romanian Studies (Humanities A51)
Chair: Susie Bauckus
Ramona Kline (Portland State University) “A New Day for Russia’s Jews? The Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish Community in Putin’s Russia”
Yasha Max Hoffman (University of Wisconsin – Madison) “Contemporary musical Culture of Bukharian Jews: Preservation and Performance”
Hannah Catherine Bennet (UCLA) “The Tsar’s Voivode: Dimitrie Cantemir and the Cultural Politics of Early Modern Romania”
Mason Comtois (UCLA) “A Romanian Influenced Constructed Language”
09:50am – 11:10am Panel 1B: Topics in Literature (Humanities A26)
Chair: Conor McDonald
Seoyeon Park (UCLA) “From Seoul to Siberia: How 19th Century Russian Literature Influenced Modern Day Korea”
Charlotte Hendricks and Alison Roper (UCSB) “Death and Life in Doctor Zhivago”
Anna Ivanov (Macalester) “A Monument of Tweets: Toward a Reader-Oriented Analysis of the Akhmatova Canon”
Ross Mitchell (UCLA) “Scriabin’s Ecstasy: When Poetry and Music Meet”
11:10am – 11:20am BREAK
11:20am – 12:40pm Panel 2A: Language Learning and Usage (Humanities A51)
Chair: Alyssa Haerle
Nicole Bugrim (UCLA) “Russian as a Heritage Language: Teaching Methods Based on Linguistic and Cultural Issues”
Azura FairChild (UCSD) “Gendered Stereotypes in Russian Language Practice”
Yana Kogan (UCSB) “Essentials in Appreciating Анекдоты, a Sector of Russian Humor”
Kristian Moravec (Bryn Mawr) “Beyond the Classroom: Skill Development through Online Practice”
11:20am – 12:40pm Panel 2B: Architecture, Cinema, and Literature (Humanities A26)
Chair: Dane Reighard
George O’Hara (Haverford) “Hopelessness in the Russian Family Hearth: Cinematographic Reflections of the Failure of the Mother-Child Relationship in Contemporary Russia”
Kathryn Hunt (UCSB) “’A Timeless Notion of Identity and Spirit:’ Tea and the Samovar in 19th Century Russia”
Rebekah Livermore (UCLA) “An Inorganic Madness: Reassessing Ivan’s ‘Brain Fever’ in The Brothers Karamazov and Bakhtin’s Theory of the Polyphonic Novel”
Elizabeth Culp (Haverford) “Обращение к архитектуре Герценского Университета как путь познания российской педагогической традиции (в сравнении с Американским Университетом Хаверфорда)”
12:40pm – 01:40pm LUNCH (Humanities 348)
01:40pm – 02:55pm Panel 3: Contemporary Political and Social Questions of the Russian Federation (Humanities A51)
Chair: Yelena Severina
Karine Harutyunyan (UCLA) “Outcasts of Russian Society: Homosexuality in Russian Federation”
Yana Demeshko (UCLA) “Outside the Ballot Box: A Case Study on Youth Political Activity During the Putin Administration”
Louis Conan Bethge (UCLA) “Putin it All Together: Unraveling the Rise of Russia’s Newest Tsar”
02:55pm – 03:05pm BREAK
03:05pm – 04:05pm Panel 4A: Soviet Era Gender Studies (Humanities A51)
Chair: Jasmine Lin
Leslie N Ro (UCLA) “Woman v. Women: The Shift from a Woman’s Role to the Women’s Movement in Kazakhstan”
Sonia Ter-Saakyan (UCSD) “Hammer, Sickle, Mop, and Missile: The Effects of World War II on Soviet Women”
Rebecca Van Vliet (UCLA) “Hearts and Beatings: An ‘Engaged’ Comparative Political Theory Debate on Intimate Relations in Kollontai, Lenin and Modern Russia”
03:05pm – 04:05pm Panel 4B: Topics in Soviet Political Policies (Humanities A26)
Chair: Michael Lavery
Michelle Angela McKenzie (Ohio State University) “From Vernacularization to Assimilation: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Language Planning, 1922-1972”
Kennedy Lee (University of Wisconsin – Madison) “The Importance of Sports Diplomacy in the Brezhnev Era”
04:05pm – 04:15pm Closing Remarks & Presentation of Certificates (Humanities A51)
Larry McLellan (UCSB) Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies