We cordially invite you to attend the 23rd Annual UC Undergraduate Conference on Slavic and East/Central European Studies

Published: April 27, 2020

See conference program here.


In order to register please enter your name, affiliation (either by University or your relation to one of the presenters), and email address BY FRIDAY MAY 1 at 3 PM PACIFIC TIME on the following Google Spreadsheet:


After you have registered you will receive the Zoom Meeting links and passwords on the evening of Friday May 1.

What follows is a basic explanation of how accessing the Sessions will work. We will resend this information when we provide the links and passwords:

Access to each Session will require a password. Once you have entered the password you will  be placed into a Waiting Room until you are granted access to the presentations by the host. If you enter a panel after it has begun it might take a few moments for the Chair of the panel to bring you in from the Waiting Room. We ask for your patience if such a scenario should arise.

Each Session has its own unique password.  Therefore, make sure you have the correct password for whichever Session you are going to join, particularly if you are going to be switching between panels.

The Chair will be recording the Sessions. The recording feature for others is disabled so that no one else will be able to record this session through Zoom. No recording by other means is
permitted. The Sessions will be posted on the Conference’s CCLE website for student use. If you have privacy concerns and do not wish to appear in the recording, do not turn on your video, mute yourself, and consider changing your display name to a pseudonym. Please only address questions to the Chair of the Session and not directly to the presenters. Questions will be read by the Chair at the end of the Sessions during the Q&A portion. Saving of chats is enabled. And will be viewable by the host at the end of the Meeting. UCLA will not use the data for any other purpose than posting it at our website. Recordings will be deleted when no longer needed. However, the recording may become part of an administrative disciplinary record if misconduct occurs during a videoconference.

In order to best manage the meeting, all attendees will be muted upon entry. Please do not unmute yourself or turn your camera on during the Sessions so as to minimize distractions for the presenters.

Please feel free to pass this registration on to anyone you think would be interested in attending the Conference so they can also complete the registration.

Please do not share the passwords with anyone. We would like to limit access to only those who have registered before the Conference.