2008. Doctor of philology (equivalent of PhD/Dr hab.), General linguistics and Literary theory, Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).
2003–06. Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), doktorantura (Postdoctoral). Dissertation: “The Problem of Interlingual Intertextuality”. Adviser: Dr Maksim Shapir.
1999. Candidate of philology (PhD equivalent), Russian literature and European literatures, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia).
1995–98. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philological Faculty, aspirantura (Postgraduate). Dissertation: “Batiushkov and Italian Literature”. Supervisor: Prof. Aleksandr Iliushin.
1991. Diploma with honors (equivalent of BA), Russian language and literature (major), Bibliography and Library studies (minor), University of Tartu (Estonia).
1986–91. University of Tartu (Estonia), Philological Faculty. Honors thesis: “The Problems of Reader’s Response and Self-Translation in the Work of E.A. Baratynsky”. Thesis director: Prof. Yuri Lotman.
18th and 19th century Russian poetry (esp. Pushkin, Batiushkov, and Baratynsky)
Russian-West-European cultural relations
Comparative literature
Russian language
Historical lexicography
Translation theory
Editorial theory
Literary theory (Russian Formalism, Soviet and Central European structuralism)
[Vocabulary and Phraseology of Eugene Onegin: Hermeneutical Essays]
Selected Articles (by topics)
Russian Literature. Comparative Literature. Poetry in Translation
“Navigium amoris and an Encounter in Mikhailovskoe (Pushkin—Zhukovsky—Florian—Cervantes),” Pushkin Review 24/25 (2022/2023): 21–49. (Russian version: 2022.)
“Hæc sunt Roma: ‘Vospominaniia’ i ‘Rim’ Baratynskogo kak fragmenty ‘rimskogo teksta’ evropeiskoi poezii” [Hæc sunt Roma: Baratynsky’s “Recollections” and “Rome” as Fragments of the “Roman Text” of European Poetry], Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 10 (2022): 44–70. (Abridged English version: 2015)
“‘More than Just a Poet’: Konstantin Batiushkov as an Art Critic, Art Manager, and Art Brut Painter,” Arts 11.6 (2022): 126 (61 pp.)
“Aleksandr Pushkin, Evgenii Onegin. Kommentarii” [Alexander Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin: A Commentary], in Polka: O glavnykh knigakh russkoi literatury, Moscow: Al’pina non-fiction, 2022, vol. 1, 117–142.
“Aleksandr Pushkin, Boris Godunov: Kommentarii” [Alexander Pushkin’s Boris Godunov: A Commentary], Ibid., 191–210.
“Gogol’s ‘The Nose’: Between Linguistic Indecency and Religious Blasphemy,” Religions 12.8 (2021): 571 (32 pp.). (Russian version: 2019.)
“Vergilii u Dante v ital’ianskom originale i v russkikh perevodakh (D. Min, M. Lozinskii, A. Iliushin)” [Dante’s Vergil in the Italian Original and Russian Translations (Dmitry Min, M. Lozinsky, and A. Iliushin)], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 168 (2021): 113–132.
“‘Harlots, Wine and Chibouks’: Tobacco Smoking as a Cultural Signifier in the Age of Pushkin,” Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie 73.2 (2017): 285–330.
“Traditsii ‘russkogo petrarkizma’ i sonety Petrarki v perevode Kuzmina” [The Traditions of “Russian Petrarchism” and Petrarch’s Sonnets Translated by Mikhail Kuzmin], in Mikhail Kuzmin: Literaturnaia sud’ba i khudozhestvennaia sreda, Saint Petersburg: Renommée, 2015, 139–157.
“Aleksandr Pushkin mezhdu libertinazhem i dendizmom” [Alexander Pushkin Between Libertinage and Dandyism], Russian Literature 76.1/2 (2014): 35–84.
“‘Est’ naslazhdenie i v dikosti lesov…’ K. Batiushkova (predystoriia i editsionnaia sud’ba)” [Konstantin Batiushkov’s “There is Pleasure Even in the Wildness of Forests” (Its Prepublication History and Editorial Fate)], in Khrestomatiinye teksty: russkaia pedagogicheskaia praktika XIX v. i poeticheskii kanon (Acta Slavica Estonica 4), Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 2013, 106–124.
“Po kakomu istochniku Pushkin perevodil Ariosto?” [Which Source Did Pushkin Use to Translate Ariosto?], Russkaia literatura [56].3 (2013): 127–150.
“Iz zametok ob inoiazychnykh zapisiakh Pushkina: Pushkin i Bërns” [From the Notes on Pushkin’s Non-Russian Marginalia: Pushkin and Robert Burns], Russkaia literatura [55].1 (2012): 87–92.
“‘If Only Pushkin Had Not Written This Filth’: The Shade of Barkov and Philological Cover-ups,” in Taboo Pushkin: Topics, Texts, Interpretations, Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2012, 159–184.
“The Proliferation of Elite Readerships and Circle Poetics in Pushkin and Baratynskii (1820s–1830s),” in The Space of the Book: Print Culture in the Russian Social Imagination, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011, 82–107. (Preliminary Russian version: 2007.) With Joseph Peschio.
“Petrarca nelle traduzioni dei poeti russi dell’età d’oro e dell’età d’argento” [Petrarch in the Translations of the Russian Poets of the Golden and Silver Age], Russica Romana 17 (2010): 89–114. (Russian version: 2006.)
“Les plantes exotiques odorantes chez Batiouchkov et Pouchkine: la genèse et la fonction du motif,” Études de lettres 283 (2009): 21–35. (Russian: 2009.)
“Iz nabliudenii nad genezisom i poetikoi elegii Baratynskogo” [A Few Observations on the Genesis and Poetics of Baratynskii’s Elegies], Izvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka 66.3 (2007): 57–64.
“Tibullovy elegii v perevode Batiushkova: Materialy dlia akademicheskogo kommentariia” [Tibullus’s Elegies Translated by Batiushkov: Materials for an Academic Commentary], in Tekst i kommentarii: Kruglyi stol k 75-letiiu Viacheslava Vsevolodovicha Ivanova, Moscow: Nauka, 2006, 267–336.
“‘Bessmertnoe ponoshenie’ (Ob odnom iz poslednikh burlesknykh opytov Pushkina)” [“An Immortal Defamation” (On One of Pushkin’s Last Burlesque Works)], Philologica 8 (2003/2005): 57–88. With Nikolai Pertsov.
“Eshche raz ob avtorstve ballady Pushkina ‘Ten’ Barkova’” [Once More about Pushkin’s Authorship of The Shade of Barkov], Izvestiia Rossiiskoi Akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka 64.3 (2005): 41–52. With Maksim Shapir.
“Konstantin Nikolaevich Batiushkov,” in Russian Literature in the Age of Pushkin and Gogol: Poetry and Drama (Dictionary of Literary Biography 205), Detroit: Gale, 1999, 20–37. (Abridged Russian version: 2008.) With T. Henry Fitt.
“Coitus as a Cross-genre Motif in Brodsky’s Poetry,” Russian Literature 37.2/3 (1995): 339–350.
“O roli versii-posrednikov pri sozdanii perevodnogo teksta (Dmitriev—Lagarp—Skaliger—Tibull)” [On the Role of Intermediary Versions in the Genesis of a Translated Text (Dmitriev—La Harpe—Scaliger—Tibullus)], Philologica 2 (1995): 87–111 (English: 112–114).
“Literaturnye tsitaty i alliuzii v pis’makh Batiushkova (Kommentarii k akademicheskomu kommentariiu” [Literary Quotations and Allusions in Batiushkov’s Letters (Comments on an Academic Commentary)], Philologica 1 (1994): 205–239 (English: 240–246); 2 (1995): 219–258 (English: 259–262).
“‘Ia vozvrashchiusia k vam, polia moikh ottsov…’: Baratynskii i Tibull” [“I Shall Return to You, My Forefathers’ Fields…”: Baratynskii and Tibullus], Izvestiia Rossiiskoi Akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka 53.2 (1994): 29–47.
“Brodsky and Baratynsky,” in Literary Tradition and Practice in Russian Culture, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993, 214–228.
“Baratynsky’s Russian-French Self-Translations (On the Problem of Invariant Reconstruction),” Essays in Poetics 17.2 (1992): 15–22.
History of the Russian Language. Language in Literature
“Iazyk pushkinskoi epokhi v trudakh I.G. Dobrodomova” [The Language of Pushkin’s Age in the Works of Igor Dobrodomov], in Vremennik Pushkinskoi komissii 38 (2024): 245–262.
“Russkii mat: chto my o nem znaem? (O proiskhozhdenii i funktsiiakh russkoi obstsennoi idiomatiki)” [Russian “Mat”: What Do We Know About It? (On the Origin and Functions of Russian Obscenities)], Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies 100 (2021): 709–760.
“Russkii mat: vchera, segodnia, zavtra” [Russian “Mat”: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow], Ibid., 691–707. With Dennis Ioffe.
“Avantekst kak ob”ekt avtorskoi leksikografii (neskol’ko prakticheskikh voprosov na primere slovaria iazyka Batiushkova)” [Avant-texte as an Object of Description in Poetic Lexigography (Some Practical Issues Exemplified by a Dictionary of Batiushkov’s Language)], in M.L. Gasparovu-stikhovedu in memoriam, Moscow: IaSK, 2017, 190–201.
“Inoiazychnaia fonika v stikhakh Lermontova” [Foreign Phonetics in Lermontov’s Poetry], in Mir Lermontova, Saint Petersburg: Scriptorium, 2015, 392–405.
“‘Ante hoc, ergo propter hoc’: Eshche raz o kriteriiakh intertekstual’nosti, ili ‘Sluchainye’ i ‘nesluchainye’ sblizheniia” [“Ante hoc, ergo propter hoc”: What are the Criteria of Intertextuality?], in Sluchainost’ i nepredskazuemost’ v istorii kul’tury, Tallinn: TLU Press, 2013, 188–207.
“O lingvisticheskikh aspektakh tekstologii” [On the Linguistic Aspects of Textual Scholarship], Voprosy iazykoznaniia [60].5 (2011): 3–30. With Nikolai Pertsov.
“Avant-Gardism of the Classics and Classicality of the Avant-Garde: Communication Strategies of Moscow Conceptualism in the Context of the Evolution of Styles in Russian Poetry from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century,” Russian Literature 69.2/4 (2011): 383–392. With Maksim Shapir.
“Voennye terminy v stikhakh Batiushkova i Pushkina: Tekstologiia, leksikologiia, poetika (slushái, ves’ gom)” [Military Terminology in the Poetry of Batiushkov and Pushkin: Textology, Lexicology, Poetics (slushái, ves’ gom)], in Alexandro Il’ušino septuagenario oblata, Moscow: Novoe izdatel’stvo, 2011, 181–190.
“Mnogoiazychie v marginaliiakh, zapisnykh knizhkakh i pis’makh Batiushkova: ‘svoe’ i ‘chuzhoe’” [Multilingualism in Batiushkov’s Marginalia, Notebooks and Letters: the “Dometistic” and the “Foreign”], in L’ordre du chaos—le chaos de l’ordre: Hommages à Leonid Heller (Slavica Helvetica 80), Bern: Peter Lang, 2010, 369–377.
“Parodiia i satira v kontekste sporov o iazyke (XVIII—nachalo XIX v.)” [Parody and Satire in the Context of the Disputes over Language in Russia (18th and the Early 19th Centuries)], in Logicheskii analiz iazyka: Iazykovye mekhanizmy komizma, Moscow: Indrik, 2007, 56–69.
“Evoliutsiia stilei v russkoi poezii ot Lomonosova do Pushkina” [Evolution of Styles in Russian Poetry from Lomonosov to Pushkin], in Stikh, iazyk, poeziia: Pamiati Mikhaila Leonovicha Gasparova, Moscow: RGGU, 2006, 510–546. With Maksim Shapir.
“Iazyk klassicheskoi elegii: leksika, frazeologiia, formuly i klishe” [The Language of the Russian Classical Elegy: Vocabulary, Phraseology, Formulae and Clichés], in Slavianskii stikh VII: Lingvistika i struktura stikha, Moscow: IaSK, 2004, 296–306.
“Notes on the Semantics of Otzyv in Baratynsky,” Irish Slavonic Studies 15 (1994/1996): 75–101. (Russian version: 1999.)
“The Concepts of ‘Verse,’ ‘Meter’ and ‘Rhythm’ in Russian Verse Theory,” Studia Metrica et Poetica 11.1 (2024): 91–117. (Russian version: 2017; Polish: 2021; Czech: 2024).
“Sravnitel’noe stikhovedenie v Rossii i za rubezhom” [Comparative Verse Studies in Russia and Globally], Voprosy iazykoznaniia [71].2 (2022): 125–150. With Vera Polilova and Anastasia Belousova.
“‘Po tu storonu dol’nika’: Bezudarnye ikty i sverkhskhemnye udareniia v russkom aktsentnom stikhe” [“The Dolnik and Beyond”: Unstressed Ictuses and Extra-schematic Stresses in Russian Accentual Verse], Kritika i semiotika [29].1 (2022): 273–318.
“Moskovskii Lingvisticheskii Kruzhok i stanovlenie russkogo stikhovedeniia (1919‒1920)” [The Moscow Linguistic Circle and the Making of Russian Verse Theory (1919‒1920)], in Unacknowledged Legislators: Studies in Russian Literary History and Poetics in Honor of Michael Wachtel (Stanford Slavic Studies 50), Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020, 389–413.
“Kiril Taranovsky and his Greatest Work,” Studia Metrica et Poetica 7.2 (2020): 110–117. With Mihhail Lotman.
“Rhythmical Ambiguity: Verbal Forms and Verse Forms,” Studia Metrica et Poetica 6.2 (2019): 53–73.
“Zasedanie Moskovskogo lingvisticheskogo kruzhka 1 iiunia 1919 goda i zarozhdenie stikhovedcheskikh kontseptsii O. Brika, B. Tomashevskogo i R. Jakobsona” [The Meeting of the Moscow Linguistic Circle on June 1, 1919, and the Genesis of the Prosodic Theories of Osip Brik, Boris Tomashevsky and Roman Jakobson], Revue des études slaves 88.1/2 (2017): 151–175.
“The Semiotics of Phonetic Translation,” Studia Metrica et Poetica 3.1 (2016): 53–104. (Russian version: 2011; Italian: 2013.)
“K sporam o ritmicheskoi prirode ‘Slova o polku Igoreve’ (Neopublikovannyi otzyv Iu.M. Lotmana o stat’e L.I. Timofeeva i ego mesto v nauchnom kontekste 1960-kh—1970-kh godov)” [On the Rhythmic Pattern of the Tale of Igor’s Campaign (Yu.M. Lotman’s Unpublished Review of L.I. Timofeev’s Paper and its Place in the Scholarly Context of 1960–70s)], Russkaia literatura [58].1 (2015): 30–57. With Mikhail Trunin.
“‘Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam’ and the Typology of the Russian Dolnik,” Studia Metrica et Poetica 2.1 (2015): 58–80. (Russian version: 2014.) With Sergei Liapin.
“Notes on the metrical semantics of Russian, French and German imitations of Janus Secundus’s Basium II,” Sign Systems Studies 40.1/2 (2012): 155–176. (Russian version: 2009.)
Literary Theory. Formalism, Structuralism, and Cultural Semiotics
“De la violencia al diálogo, o Cómo viajan las metáforas desde la política a la poética, y de regreso” [From Violence to Dialogue, or The Way of Metaphors from Politics to Poetics and Back Again], Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica 27.1 (2025): 78–111. (Abridged English version: 2024.)
“Russian Traditions: Textology, Pushkin Studies and the Digital Future,” in A Comparative History of the Literary Draft in Europe, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2024, 112–126.
“‘System’ and ‘Structure’ as Terms and Concepts in Formalist and Structuralist Parlance,” Slovo a slovesnost 85.4 (2024): 265–289. (Preliminary Russian version: 2023; Chinese: 2024.)
“Lotman i Jakobson kak pushkinisty: puti i pereput’ia” [Lotman and Jakobson as Pushkin Scholars: Paths and Crossways], Slavic Literatures 143 (2024): 79–116. (Chinese: 2022.)
“A vida como texto: Lotman numa casca de noz” [Life as Text: Lotman in a Nutshell], RUS—Revista de Literatura e Cultura Russa 24 (2023): 256–290.
“Lotman in Transnational Context,” in The Companion to Juri Lotman: A Semiotic Theory of Culture, London: Bloomsbury, 2022, 105–119.
“Eesti teooria kui rändav teooria: Ümber maailma ja tagasi” [“Estonian Theory” as “Travelling Theory”: Around the World and Back Again], Akadeemia 394 (2022): 87–118.
“Boris Tomashevsky,” in Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.
“El esquema comunicativo de Roman Jakobson entre lenguas y continentes: historia cruzada del modelo teórico” [Roman Jakobson’s Schema of Communication between Languages and Continents: An Histoire Croisée of the Theoretical Model], Revista de Estudios Sociales 77 (2021): 2–20. (Russian version: 2016.)
“A poética quantitativa do Formalismo Russo” [Quantitative Poetics of Russian Formalism], RUS—Revista de Literatura e Cultura Russa 16 (2020): 9–42. (Polish: 2022.)
“Vyacheslav V. Ivanov (1929–2017) and his Studies in Prosody and Poetics,” Studia Metrica et Poetica 5.1 (2018): 106–139. (Russian version: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 153 (2018): 163–176.) With Ronald Vroon.
“Viktor Shklovskii v OPOIAZe i Moskovskom Lingvisticheskom Kruzhke (1919–1921 )” [Viktor Shklovsky in OPOIAZ and the Moscow Linguistic Circle (1919–1921)], Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch 6 (2018): 176–206. With Andrei Ustinov.
“Debiut Viktora Shklovskogo v Moskovskom Lingvisticheskom Kruzhke” [Viktor Shklovsky’s Début in the Moscow Linguistic Circle], Literaturnyi fakt 9 (2018): 314–334. With Andrei Ustinov.
“Russkie formalisty kak nauchnoe soobshchestvo” [The Russian Formalists as a Scholarly Community], in Epokha “ostraneniia”: Russkii formalizm i sovremennoe gumanitarnoe znanie, Moscow: NLO, 2017, 85–100. With Tomáš Glanc.
“‘The Inner Form of the Word’ in Russian Formalist Theory,” in Theory of Literature as a Theory of the Arts and the Humanities (Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. Sonderband 92), Wien: Biblion Media, 2017, 37–64. (Russian version: 2014; French: 2016.)
“The Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics: A Transnational Perspective,” Sign Systems Studies 44.3 (2016): 368–401. With Mikhail Trunin.
“Nasledie russkoi formal’noi shkoly i sovremennaia filologiia” [The Legacy of Russian Formalism and Contemporary Philology], in Antropologiia kul’tury 5 (2015): 319–350. (Polish: 2011; Italian: 2011.)
Digital Humanities. Electronic Libraries and Corpora Building
“Eslavística digital / Poética digital (un manifiesto)” [Digital Slavica / Digital Poetics (A Manifesto)], Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica 25.2 (2023): 218–233.
“Formalismo cuantitativo ‘viejo’ y ‘nuevo’ (El Círculo Lingüístico de Moscú y el Laboratorio Literario de Stanford)” [“Old” and “New” Quantitative Formalism (The Moscow Linguistic Circle and the Stanford Literary Lab)], Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica 24.1 (2022): 265–295. (Russian version: 2018; Estonian: 2022.)
“Reconnaissance automatique des mètres des vers russes: une approche statistique sur corpus” [Automated Recognition of Russian Verse Meters: A Statistical and Corpus-Based Approach], Langages 199 (2015): 89–105. (Russian version: 2010; English: 2011.) With Anatoli Starostin.
“Tezaurus kak instrument poetologii” [Thesaurus as a Tool in the Studies of Prosody and Poetics]. Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems 17.1 (2010): 5–24. With Vladimir Boikov, Timofei Sysoev, and Vladimir E. Zakharov.
“Academic Digital Libraries Russian Style: An Introduction to The Fundamental Digital Library of Russian Literature and Folklore,” Slavic and East European Information Resources 6.2/3 (2005): 45–63. With Joseph Peschio and Konstantin Vigursky.
“Filologiia i sovremennye informatsionnye tekhnologii (K postanovke problemy)” [Philology and Modern Information Technologies (Statement of the Problem)], Izvestiia Rossiiskoi Akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka 62.2 (2003): 9–16. With Konstantin Vigursky.
Book reviews and review essays
“[Review of] Russische Poesie in deutschen Übersetzungen: Bibliographie ausgewählter Werke, by Ilya Perelmuter. Wien: danzig & unfried, 2020,” Pushkin Review 24/25 (2022/2023): 115–126.
“[Review of] Ilya Vinitsky, Graf Sardinskii: Dmitrii Khvostov i russkaia kul’tura, Moscow: NLO, 2017,” The Russian Review 78.1 (2019): 141–142.
“The Prague School on a Global Scale: a Coup d’œil from the East,” Slovo a slovesnost 80.3 (2019): 215–228.
“V šesti jazycích: Nad knihou Pražská škola v korespondenci” [In Six Languages: Reflections on the Book, The Prague School in Correspondence], Česká literatura 63.4 (2015): 573–584. (Russian version: 2019.)
“Nad prvním ruským výborem prací Miroslava Červenky” [On the First Russian Edition of Miroslav Červenka’s Selected Works], Česká literatura 60.3 (2012): 428–444. (Russian version: 2013.) With Sergei Liapin.
“[Review of] B.Ia. Bukhshtab, Fet i drugie: Izbrannye raboty, Saint Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2000,” Novaia Russkaia Kniga 9 (2001): 84–86.
[Review of] “Vladimir Nabokov, Kommentarii k romanu A.S. Pushkina ‘Evgenii Onegin,’ Saint Petersburg: Iskusstvo-SPB, 1998; Vladimir Nabokov, Kommentarii k ‘Evgeniiu Oneginu’ Aleksandra Pushkina, Moscow: Intelvak, 1999” (with Igor Dobrodomov), Philologica 5 (1998): 403–424.
“Optics of Minds: Valentina Polukhina, Brodsky through the Eyes of his Contemporaries, London: Macmillan, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992. (A Review Article),” Essays in Poetics 18.2 (1993): 12–17.
Edited Books and Editions
El formalismo cuantitativo contemporáneo: métodos digitales en los estudios literarios [Contemporary Quantitative Formalism: Digital Methods in Literary Studies], special issue of Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica 25.2 (2023), 315 pp. Co-edited with Anastasia Belousova.
Sobranie sochinenii [Works], by Mikhail Gasparov, vol. 4: Stikhovedenie [Verse Studies], edited by Igor Pilshchikov, Dmitrii Sichinava and Andrei Ustinov, Moscow: NLO, 2022, 1008 pp.
Literaturnyi byt i khudozhestvennaia kul’tura XX veka [Literary Environment and Artistic Culture in the Twentieth Century], special issue of Rhema 4 (2020), 260 pp. Co-edited with Andrei Ustinov.
O strukturalizme. Raboty 1965–1970 godov [On Structuralism: Writings 1965–1970], by Yuri Lotman. Edited with a commentary and supplementary articles by Igor Pilshchikov with Nikolay Poselyagin and Mikhail Trunin, Tallinn: TLU Press, 2018, 518 pp.
A/Z: Essays in Honor of Alexander Zholkovsky. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018, 702 pp. Co-edited with Dennis Ioffe, Marcus Levitt, and Joe Peschio.
Epokha “ostraneniia”: Russkii formalizm i sovremennoe gumanitarnoe znanie [The Age of “Defamiliarization”: Russian Formalism and Contemporary Humanities]. Moscow: NLO, 2017, 672 pp. Co-edited with Jan Levchenko.
Urban Semiotics: The City as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2015, 336 pp.
Semiotika goroda: Materialy Tret’ikh Lotmanovskikh dnei v Tallinnskom universitete [The Semiotics of the City: The Materials of the Third Annual Juri Lotman Days at Tallinn University]. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2014, 437 pp.
Res Philologica: Essays in memory of Maksim Il’ich Shapir. Amsterdam: Pegasus, 2014, 566 pp. (“Pegasus Oost-Europese studies”, 23). Co-edited with Anastasia Belousova.
The Unpredictable Workings of Culture, by Juri M. Lotman. Preface by Vyacheslav V. Ivanov, afterword by Mihhail Lotman, tr. from the Russian by Brian James Baer. Ed. by Igor Pilshchikov and Silvi Salupere. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2013, 296 pp.
Sluchainost’ i nepredskazuemost’ v istorii kul’tury: Materialy Vtorykh Lotmanovskikh dnei v Tallinnskom universitete [Chance and Indeterminism in Cultural History: The Materials of the Second Annual Juri Lotman Days at Tallinn University]. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2013, 582 pp.
Pogranichnye fenomeny kul’tury: Perevod. Dialog. Semiosfera: Materialy Pervykh Lotmanovskikh dnei v Tallinnskom universitete [The Borderline Phenomena in Culture: Translation. Dialogue. Semiosphere: The Materials of the First Annual Juri Lotman Days at Tallinn University]. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2011, 314 pp.
Metodologiia tochnogo literaturovedeniia: Izbrannye trudy po teorii literatury [Exact Methods of Literary Scholarship: Selected Works on the Theory of Literature], by Boris Yarkho. Ed., with notes (pp. 611–807), by Marina Akimova, Igor Pilshchikov, and Maksim Shapir. Moscow: “Iazyki slavianskikh kul’tur”, 2006, 960 pp.
K 200-letiiu Boratynskogo: Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, sostoiavsheisia 21–23 fevralia 2000 g. (Moskva — Muranovo) [To Commemorate Boratynsky’s Bicentenary: Proceedings and materials of the International Conference held in Moscow and Muranovo, February 21–23, 2000]. Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2002, 367 pp.
Aleksandr Pushkin.Ten’ Barkova: Teksty. Kommentarii. Ekskursy [Alexander Pushkin. “The Shade of Barkov”: Texts. Commentaries. Excursus]. Moscow: “Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury”, 2002, 497 pp. (“Philologica russica et speculativa”, II). Co-edited with Maksim Shapir.
Volume One of Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem [Complete Works and Letters] of Evgenii Boratynsky. Ed., with a commentary (pp. 303–455), by Aleksei Peskov, Igor Pilshchikov, and Andrei Zaretsky. Moscow: “Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury”, 2002, 512 pp.