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- 2008. Doctor of philology (equivalent of PhD/Dr hab.), General linguistics and Literary theory, Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).
- 2003–06. Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), doktorantura (Postdoctoral). Dissertation: “The Problem of Interlingual Intertextuality”. Adviser: Dr Maksim Shapir.
- 1999. Candidate of philology (PhD equivalent), Russian literature and European literatures, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia).
- 1995–98. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philological Faculty, aspirantura (Postgraduate). Dissertation: “Batiushkov and Italian Literature”. Supervisor: Prof. Aleksandr Iliushin.
- 1991. Diploma with honors (equivalent of BA), Russian language and literature (major), Bibliography and Library studies (minor), University of Tartu (Estonia).
- 1986–91. University of Tartu (Estonia), Philological Faculty. Honors thesis: “The Problems of Reader’s Response and Self-Translation in the Work of E.A. Baratynsky”. Thesis director: Prof. Yuri Lotman.
- Poetics
- 18th and 19th century Russian poetry (esp. Pushkin, Batiushkov, and Baratynsky)
- Russian-West-European cultural relations
- Comparative literature
- Russian language
- Historical lexicography
- Translation theory
- Editorial theory
- Literary theory (Russian Formalism, Soviet and Central European structuralism)
- Cultural semiotics
- Digital humanities
- Sem’ besed o filologii i Digital Humanities: Interv’ju i diskussii (2015–2021)
- [Seven Conversations about Philology and Digital Humanities: Interviews and Discussions (2015–2021)
- Batiushkov i literatura Italii: Filologicheskie razyskaniia
- [Batiushkov and Italian Literature: Philological Explorations]
- Leksika i frazeologiia “Evgeniia Onegina”: Germenevticheskie ocherki
- [Vocabulary and Phraseology of Eugene Onegin: Hermeneutical Essays]
(Selected Recent Articles)
- ‘Lotman in Transnational Context,’ in: Marek Tamm and Peeter Torop (eds.), The Companion to Juri Lotman: A Semiotic Theory of Culture, London: Bloomsbury, 2022, 105–119.
- ‘A vida como texto: Lotman numa casca de noz’ [Life as Text: Lotman in a Nutshell], tr. Valteir Vaz, RUS—Revista de Literatura e Cultura Russa 24 (2023): 256–290.
- ‘Navigium amoris and an Encounter in Mikhailovskoe (Pushkin—Zhukovsky—Florian—Cervantes),’ Pushkin Review 24/25 (2022/2023): 21–49.
- ‘Russische Poesie in deutschen Übersetzungen: Bibliographie ausgewählter Werke, by Ilya Perelmuter Wien: danzig & unfried, 2020 [A Review Article],’ Pushkin Review 24/25 (2022/2023): 115–126.
- ‘Hæc sunt Roma: “Vospominaniia” i “Rim” Baratynskogo kak fragmenty “rimskogo teksta” evropeiskoi poezii” [Hæc sunt Roma: Baratynsky’s “Recollections” and “Rome” as Fragments of the “Roman Text” of European Poetry], Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. Neue Folge 10 (2022): 44–70.
- ‘“More than Just a Poet”: Konstantin Batiushkov as an Art Critic, Art Manager, and Art Brut Painter,” Arts 6 (2022): 126 (61 pp.).
- ‘The Four Faces of Russian Formalism,’ in: Michał Mrugalski, Schamma Schahadat, and Irina Wutsdorff (eds.), Central and Eastern European Literary Theory and the West, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022, 212–257.
- ‘洛特曼和雅各布森:路径与交集’ [Lotman and Jakobson: Encounters and Crossings], tr. Huang Mei, 学习与探索 / Study & Exploration, 12 (2022): 180–190.
- ‘Lotman and Jakobson’ (with Elin Sütiste), Ibid., 52–77.
- ‘Formalismo cuantitativo “viejo” y “nuevo” (El Círculo Lingüístico de Moscú y el Laboratorio Literario de Stanford)’ [“Old” and “New” Quantitative Formalism (The Moscow Linguistic Circle and the Stanford Literary Lab)], tr. Anastasia Belousova and Sebastián Páramo, Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica 24.1 (2022): 265–295.
- ‘Eesti teooria kui rändav teooria: Ümber maailma ja tagasi’ [“Estonian Theory” as “Travelling Theory”: Around the World and Back Again], tr. Juhan Käo and Mikhail Trunin, Akadeemia 394 (2022): 87–118.
- ‘Sravnitel’noe stikhovedenie v Rossii i za rubezhom’ [Comparative Verse Studies in Russia and Globally] (with Vera Polilova and Anastasia Belousova), Voprosy iazykoznaniia 2 (2022): 125–150.
- ‘“Po tu storonu dol’nika”: Bezudarnye ikty i sverkhskhemnye udareniia v russkom aktsentnom stikhe’ [“The Dolnik and Beyond”: Unstressed Ictuses and Extra-schematic Stresses in Russian Accentual Verse], Kritika i semiotika 1 (2022): 273–318.
- ‘Aleksandr Pushkin, “Evgenii Onegin”: Kommentarii’ [Alexander Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin: A Commentary], in: Polka: O glavnykh knigakh russkoi literatury, Moscow: Al’pina non-fiction, 2022, vol. 1, 117–142.
- ‘Aleksandr Pushkin, “Boris Godunov”: Kommentarii’ [Alexander Pushkin’s Boris Godunov: A Commentary], Ibid., 191–210.
- ‘Russkii mat: chto my o nem znaem? (O proiskhozhdenii i funktsiiakh russkoi obstsennoi idiomatiki)’ [Russian “Mat”: What Do We Know About It? (On the Origin and Functions of Russian Obscenities)], Matica Srpska Journal of Slavic Studies 100 (2021): 709–760.
- ‘Russkii mat: vchera, segodnia, zavtra’ [Russian “Mat”: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow] (with Dennis Ioffe), Ibid., 691–707.
- ‘Gogol’s “The Nose”: Between Linguistic Indecency and Religious Blasphemy,’ Religions 12.8 (2021): 571 (32 pp.).
- ‘Vergilii u Dante v ital’ianskom originale i v russkikh perevodakh (D. Min, M. Lozinskii, A. Iliushin)’ [Dante’s Vergil in the Italian Original and Russian Translations (D. Min, M. Lozinsky, and A. Iliushin)], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 168 (2021): 113–132.
- ‘Boris Tomashevsky,’ in: Eugene O’Brien (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.
- ‘El esquema comunicativo de Roman Jakobson entre lenguas y continentes: historia cruzada del modelo teórico’ [Roman Jakobson’s Schema of Communication between Languages and Continents: An Histoire Croisée of the Theoretical Model], tr. Anastasia Belousova and Sebastián Páramo, Revista de Estudios Sociales 77 (2021): 2–20.
- ‘A poética quantitativa do Formalismo Russo’ [Quantitative Poetics of Russian Formalism], tr. Valteir Vaz, RUS—Revista de Literatura e Cultura Russa 16 (2020): 9–42.
- ‘Kiril Taranovsky and his Greatest Work’ (with Mihhail Lotman), Studia Metrica et Poetica 7.2 (2020): 110–117.
- ‘Moskovskii Lingvisticheskii Kruzhok i stanovlenie russkogo stikhovedeniia (1919‒1920)’ [The Moscow Linguistic Circle and the Making of Russian Verse Theory (1919‒1920)] (with Andrei Ustinov), in: Lazar Fleishman, David M. Bethea, and Ilya Vinitsky (eds.), Unacknowledged Legislators: Studies in Russian Literary History and Poetics in Honor of Michael Wachtel, vol. 50 of “Stanford Slavic Studies,” Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020, 389–413.
- ‘Rhythmical Ambiguity: Verbal Forms and Verse Forms,’ Studia Metrica et Poetica 6.2 (2019): 53–73.
- ‘Dinamika teksta i dinamika literatury: formalizm—funktsionalizm—strukturalizm (istoriko-nauchnye tezisy)’ [The Dynamics of the Text and the Dynamics of Literature: Formalism—Functionalism—Structuralism (Theses on the History of Theory)], in: M. Lotman, T. Kuzovkina, and E. Pilarczyk (eds.), Dinamicheskaia struktura teksta / The Dynamic Structure of Text, Kraków: Jagiellonian University Press, 2019, 45–63.
- ‘Prazhskaia shkola na “perekrestke kul’tur” (O mnogoiazychii v nauchnoi perepiske i izdaniiakh Prazhskogo lingvisticheskogo kruzhka)’ [The Prague School at the “Crossroads of Cultures” (On Multilingualism in the Correspondence and Publications of the Prague Linguistic Circle)], Rhema 3 (2019): 25–52
- ‘The Prague School on a Global Scale: a Coup d’œil from the East,’ Slovo a Slovesnost 80.3 (2019): 215–228.
- ‘K poetike i semantike gogolevskogo “Nosa,” ili Chto skryvaiut govoriashchie detali’ [Towards the Poetics and Semantics of Gogol’s “The Nose,” or What the Telling Details Conceal], in: Literaturoman(n)iia: K 90-letiiu Iuriia Vladimirovicha Manna, Moscow: RGGU, 2019, 218–237.
- ‘Rhythmically Ambiguous Words or Rhythmically Ambiguous Lines? In Search of New Approaches to an Analysis of the Rhythmical Varieties of Syllabic-Accentual Meters,’ in: Petr Plecháč, Barry P. Scherr, Tatyana Skulacheva et al. (eds.), Quantitative Approaches to Versification, Prague: The Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciencies, 2019, 193–200.
- ‘Vyacheslav V. Ivanov (1929–2017) and his Studies in Prosody and Poetics,’ Studia Metrica et Poetica 5.1 (2018): 106–139. With Ronald Vroon.
- ‘Vyach. Vs. Ivanov kak issledovatel’ russkoi i mirovoi literatury’ [Vyacheslav V. Ivanov as a Scholar of Russian and World Literature], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 153 (2018): 163–176. With Ronald Vroon.
- ‘Franko Moretti i novyi kvantitativnyi formalizm’ [Franco Moretti and New Quantitative Formalism], Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 150 (2018): 39–45.
- ‘Viktor Shklovskii v OPOIAZe i Moskovskom Lingvisticheskom Kruzhke (1919–1921 gg.)’ [Viktor Shklovsky in OPOIAZ and the Moscow Linguistic Circle (1919–1921)], Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch. Neue Folge 6 (2018): 176–206. With Andrei Ustinov.
- ‘Debiut Viktora Shklovskogo v Moskovskom Lingvisticheskom Kruzhke: Ot “istorii romana” k “razvertyvaniiu siuzheta” ’ [Viktor Shklovsky’s Début in the Moscow Linguistic Circle: From “A History of the Novel” to “Unraveling of the Literary Plot”], Literaturnyi fakt 9 (2018): 314–334. With Andrei Ustinov.
- ‘Viktor Shklovsky, Roman Jakobson i sozdanie “pervoi teorii siuzhetoslozheniia”’ [Viktor Shklovsky, Roman Jakobson and the Creation of the “First Theory of Plot Structuring”], Siuzhetologiia i siuzhetografiia 2 (2018): 5–24. With Andrei Ustinov.
- ‘Poniatiia “stikh”, “metr” i “ritm” v russkom stikhovedenii XX veka’ [The Concepts of “Verse,” “Meter,” and “Rhythm” in Twentieth-Century Russian Verse Studies], Trudy Instituta russkogo iazyka imeni V.V. Vinogradova 11 (2017): 12–30.
- “O zadachakh poeticheskikh korpusov” [‘Toward the Further Development of Poetic Corpora’], Ibid., 332–337.
- ‘Avantekst kak ob”ekt avtorskoi leksikografii (neskol’ko prakticheskikh voprosov na primere slovaria iazyka Batiushkova)’ [Avant-text as an Object of Description in Poetic Lexigography (Practical Issues Exemplified by the Dictionary of Batiushkov’s Language)], in: M. Akimova, M. Tarlinskaja (eds.), M.L. Gasparovu-stikhovedu in memoriam, Moscow: Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury, 2017, 190–201.
- ‘Zasedanie Moskovskogo lingvisticheskogo kruzhka 1 iiunia 1919 goda i zarozhdenie stikhovedcheskikh kontseptsii O. Brika, B. Tomashevskogo i R. Jakobsona’ [The Meeting of the Moscow Linguistic Circle on June 1, 1919, and the Genesis of the Prosodic Theories of Osip Brik, Boris Tomashevsky and Roman Jakobson], Revue des études slaves 87.1/2 (2017): 151–175.
- ‘“Harlots, Wine and Chibouks”: Tobacco Smoking as a Cultural Signifier in the Age of Pushkin’, Zeitschrift für slavische Philologie 73.2 (2017): 285–330.
- ‘“The Inner Form of the Word” in Russian Formalist Theory’, in: M. Mrugalski, S. Schahadat (eds.), Theory of Literature as a Theory of the Arts and the Humanities, Leipzig and Wien: Biblion Media, 2017. (Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. Sonderband 92.)
- ‘The Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics: A transnational perspective’, Sign Systems Studies 44.3 (2016): 368–401. With Mikhail Trunin.
- ‘The semiotics of phonetic translation’, Studia Metrica et Poetica 3.1 (2016): 53–104.
- ‘Semiotika i stikhovedenie: Zametki K.F. Taranovskogo i V.E. Kholshevnikova na poliakh lotmanovskikh “Lektsii po struktural’noi poetike” ’ [Semiotics and Verse Theory: Kiril Taranovsky’s and Vladislav Kholshevnikov’s Marginalia in Their Copies of Juri Lotman’s “Lectures on Structural Poetics”], Kritika i semiotika 2 (2016): 41–66.
- ‘Evgeny Baratynsky’s “Rome” (1821) in the Context of European Rom-Dichtung,’ in: I. Pilshchikov (ed.), Urban Semiotics: The City as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon, Tallinn: TLU Press, 2015, 143–162.
- ‘“Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam” and the Typology of the Russian Dolnik,’ Studia Metrica et Poetica 2.1 (2015): 58–80. With Sergei Liapin.
- ‘V šesti jazycích: Nad knihou Pražská škola v korespondenci’ [In Six Languages: Reflections on the Book, The Prague School in Correspondence], tr. A. Machoninová, Česká literatura 63.4 (2015): 573–584.
- ‘Reconnaissance automatique des mètres des vers russes: une approche statistique sur corpus’ [Automated Recognition of Russian Verse Meters: A Statistical and Corpus-Based Approach], tr. É. Delente, Langages 199 (2015): 89–105. (Special issue: Traitement automatique des textes versifiés: problématiques et pratiques.) With Anatoli Starostin.
- ‘K sporam o ritmicheskoi prirode “Slova o polku Igoreve” (Neopublikovannyi otzyv Iu.M. Lotmana o stat’e L.I. Timofeeva i ego mesto v nauchnom kontekste 1960-kh — 1970-kh godov)’ [On the Disputes Regarding the Rhythmic Pattern of the Tale of Igor’s Campaign (Y. M. Lotman’s Unpublished Review of L. I. Timofeev’s Paper and its Place in the Scholarly Context of 1960–70s)], Russkaia literatura 1 (2015): 30–57. With Mikhail Trunin.
- ‘La perception de la poétique structurale en URSS à la fin des années 1960 et au début des années 1970 (Les avis des critiques internes de la Petite encyclopédie littéraire sur l’article non publié de Youri Lotman “Le structuralisme dans les études littéraires”)’, tr. M. Regamey and E. Velmezova, Slavica Occitania 40 (2015): 121–146. (Special issue: L’École sémiotique de Moscou-Tartu / Tartu-Moscou: Histoire. Épistémologie. Actualité.)
- ‘Inoiazychnaia fonika v stikhakh Lermontova’ [Foreign Phonetics in Lermontov’s Poetry], in: M.N. Virolainen, A.A. Karpov, Mir Lermontova. St. Petersburg: Scriptorium, 2015, 392–405.
- ‘Nasledie russkoi formal’noi shkoly i sovremennaia filologia’ [The Legacy of Russian Formalism and Contemporary Philology], in: Viach. V. Ivanov (ed.), Antropologiia kul’tury. Moscow: Institut mirovoi kul’tury MGU, 2015, 5: 319–350.
- ‘Traditsii “russkogo petrarkizma” i sonety Petrarki v perevode M. Kuzmina’ [The Traditions of “Russian Petrarchism” and Petrarch’s Sonnets Translated by Mikhail Kuzmin], in: P.V. Dmitriev and A.V. Lavrov (eds.), Mikhail Kuzmin: Literaturnaia sud’ba i khudozhestvennaia sreda. St. Petersburg: Renommée, 2015, 139–157.
- ‘Aleksandr Pushkin mezhdu libertinazhem i dendizmom’ [Aleksandr Pushkin Between Libertinage and Dandyism], Russian Literature 76.1/2 (2014): 35–84.
- ‘Po kakomu istochniku Pushkin perevodil Ariosto?’ [Which Source Did Pushkin Use to Translate Ariosto?], Russkaia literatura 3 (2013): 127–150.
- ‘“Est’ naslazhdenie i v dikosti lesov…” K. Batiushkova (predystoriia i editsionnaia sud’ba)’ [Konstantin Batiushkov’s “There is Pleasure Even in the Wildness of Forests” (Its Prehistory and Editorial Fate)], in: A. Vdovin and R. Leibov (eds.), Khrestomatiinye teksty: russkaia pedagogicheskaia praktika XIX v. i poeticheskii kanon. Tartu: University of Tartu Press, 2013, pp. 106–124. (Acta Slavica Estonica IV.)
Edited Books and Editions
- Sobranie sochinenii [Works], by Mikhail Gasparov, vol. 4: Stikhovedenie [Verse Studies], edited by Igor Pilshchikov, Dmitrii Sichinava and Andrei Ustinov, Moscow: NLO, 2022, 1008 pp.
- Literaturnyi byt i khudozhestvennaia kul’tura XX veka [Literary Environment and Artistic Culture in the Twentieth Century], special issue of Rhema 4 (2020), 260 pp. Co-edited with Andrei Ustinov.
- O strukturalizme. Raboty 1965–1970 godov [On Structuralism: Writings 1965–1970], by Yuri Lotman. Edited with a commentary and supplementary articles by Igor Pilshchikov with Nikolay Poselyagin and Mikhail Trunin, Tallinn: TLU Press, 2018, 518 pp.
- A/Z: Essays in Honor of Alexander Zholkovsky. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018, 702 pp. Co-edited with Dennis Ioffe, Marcus Levitt, and Joe Peschio.
- Epokha “ostraneniia”: Russkii formalizm i sovremennoe gumanitarnoe znanie [The Age of “Defamiliarization”: Russian Formalism and Contemporary Humanities]. Moscow: NLO, 2017, 672 pp. Co-edited with Jan Levchenko.
- Urban Semiotics: The City as a Cultural-Historical Phenomenon. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2015, 336 pp.
- Semiotika goroda: Materialy Tret’ikh Lotmanovskikh dnei v Tallinnskom universitete [The Semiotics of the City: The Materials of the Third Annual Juri Lotman Days at Tallinn University]. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2014, 437 pp.
- Res Philologica: Essays in memory of Maksim Il’ich Shapir. Amsterdam: Pegasus, 2014, 566 pp. (“Pegasus Oost-Europese studies”, 23). Co-edited with Anastasia Belousova.
- The Unpredictable Workings of Culture, by Juri M. Lotman. Preface by Vyacheslav V. Ivanov, afterword by Mihhail Lotman, tr. from the Russian by Brian James Baer. Ed. by Igor Pilshchikov and Silvi Salupere. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2013, 296 pp.
- Sluchainost’ i nepredskazuemost’ v istorii kul’tury: Materialy Vtorykh Lotmanovskikh dnei v Tallinnskom universitete [Chance and Indeterminism in Cultural History: The Materials of the Second Annual Juri Lotman Days at Tallinn University]. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2013, 582 pp.
- Pogranichnye fenomeny kul’tury: Perevod. Dialog. Semiosfera: Materialy Pervykh Lotmanovskikh dnei v Tallinnskom universitete [The Borderline Phenomena in Culture: Translation. Dialogue. Semiosphere: The Materials of the First Annual Juri Lotman Days at Tallinn University]. Tallinn: TLU Press, 2011, 314 pp.
- Metodologiia tochnogo literaturovedeniia: Izbrannye trudy po teorii literatury [Exact Methods of Literary Scholarship: Selected Works on the Theory of Literature], by Boris Yarkho. Ed., with notes (pp. 611–807), by Marina Akimova, Igor Pilshchikov, and Maksim Shapir. Moscow: “Iazyki slavianskikh kul’tur”, 2006, 960 pp.
- K 200-letiiu Boratynskogo: Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, sostoiavsheisia 21–23 fevralia 2000 g. (Moskva — Muranovo) [To Commemorate Boratynsky’s Bicentenary: Proceedings and materials of the International Conference held in Moscow and Muranovo, February 21–23, 2000]. Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2002, 367 pp.
- Aleksandr Pushkin. Ten’ Barkova: Teksty. Kommentarii. Ekskursy [Alexander Pushkin. “The Shade of Barkov”: Texts. Commentaries. Excursus]. Moscow: “Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury”, 2002, 497 pp. (“Philologica russica et speculativa”, II). Co-edited with Maksim Shapir.
- Volume One of Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem [Complete Works and Letters] of Evgenii Boratynsky. Ed., , with a commentary (pp. 303–455), by Aleksei Peskov, Igor Pilshchikov, and Andrei Zaretsky. Moscow: “Iazyki slavianskoi kul’tury”, 2002, 512 pp.