
Welcome Message From the Director of Graduate Studies

Dear Prospective Graduate Students,

UCLA’s Department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures is known as an unusually rich program. As our new website shows, we are one of the exceptional departments still able to offer courses covering all periods of Slavic culture, from medieval to 21st century, as well as cutting-edge training in pedagogy and a range of East European languages and cultures. Cooperation with other world-class programs at the university offers the possibility of inter-disciplinary research in media, digital studies, theory, translation, history and religion.

Graduate students are encouraged to think outside the box and pursue their passions rather than to follow the beaten track. Generous funding is available for every wish from pizza parties to workshops and conferences, from guest lectures and research travel to networking with specialists around the globe. Our pride in our students’ achievements is confirmed by their record of tenure-track job placements, post-doctoral positions, grants and publications.

We invite you to have a look for yourself and contact us.

Gail Lenhoff
Professor and Departmental Graduate Faculty Supervisor