
The department of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Languages and Cultures typically offers Czech courses from the list below.


101A-101B-101C Introduction to Czech Language and Culture. (5 units)
Lecture, five hours. Course 101A is recommended preparation for 101B, which is recommended preparation for 101C. Each course may be waived with consent of instructor. Beginning Czech language courses with strong cultural component. P/NP or letter grading.

102A-102B-102C Advanced Czech. (4 units)
Lecture, three hours. Recommended preparation: course 101C (may be waived with consent of instructor). Course 102A is recommended preparation for 102B, which is recommended preparation for 102C. Each course may be waived with consent of instructor. P/NP or letter grading.

103 Intensive Elementary Czech. (12 units)
Lecture, 25 hours. Intensive basic course in Czech equivalent to courses 101A, 101B, 101C. Offered in summer only. P/NP or letter grading.

104 Intensive Advanced Czech. (12 units)
Lecture, 25 hours. Intensive advanced course in Czech equivalent to courses 102A, 102B, 102C. Offered in summer only. P/NP or letter grading.

155 Survey of Czech Literature from Middle Ages to Present. (4 units)
Lecture, three hours. Lectures and readings in English. P/NP or letter grading.

187A Advanced Tutorial Instruction in Czech. (2 units)
Tutorial, one hour; laboratory, one hour. Enforced requisite: course 102C or Czech placement test. Tutorial and guided independent study of advanced Czech: advanced conversation, composition, vocabulary development, and review of selected grammar topics. May be repeated for credit with topic change. P/NP or letter grading.

187B-187M Advanced Tutorial Instruction in Czech. (2 units)
Tutorial, one hour; laboratory, one hour. Preparation: prior course in sequence or Czech placement test. Tutorial and guided independent study of advanced Czech: advanced conversation, composition, vocabulary development, and review of selected grammar topics. May be repeated for credit with topic change. P/NP or letter grading.

For more information about the courses being offered during any given quarter/session, please check the Schedule of Classes.